The San Antonio Housing Authority is hosting a design workshop for the Alazan Courts redevelopment on the near West Side, San Antonio’s oldest public housing community that could be demolished and rebuilt, or refurnished.
Lori Houston
San Antonio City Council approves new agreement with Zachry for long-delayed Hemisfair project
On Thursday, City Council approved a new agreement with Zachry Hospitality to redevelop the northwest corner of Hemisfair after the company failed to pay rent or meet its construction deadlines in a 2017 deal.
Mayor Nirenberg, City Council signal support for revised Zachry-Hemisfair lease
Mayor Ron Nirenberg and the City Council gave enthusiastic support on Wednesday to the city’s proposal to rewrite a five-year-old agreement with Zachry Hospitality regarding its plan to develop the northwest corner of Hemisfair, a long-delayed project.
Zachry’s failure to make Hemisfair rent payments prompts new lease agreement
Years behind schedule, the construction of Hemisfair’s Civic Park has been delayed in part by Zachry Hospitality’s inability to start construction of its multi-use development.
Tax subsidy sometimes used for affordable housing redirected to Broadway attractions north of downtown San Antonio
A financial tool used to help fund affordable housing was recently repurposed for the San Antonio Zoo, the Witte Museum, Garden and Brackenridge Park, a move that has some nonprofit developers scratching their heads.
San Antonio’s City Council approves 10-year affordable housing plan
The City Council on Thursday approved the Strategic Housing Implementation Plan, a framework document with the overarching goal of helping 95,000 households in San Antonio who spend more than 30% of their monthly income on housing.
Housing bond meeting gets heated as members debate how best to serve San Antonio’s 95K vulnerable households
Calls for spending all $150 million in potential housing bond dollars on San Antonio’s most vulnerable populations permeated the housing bond committee’s second meeting held Wednesday night at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.
Council delays ordinance requiring future housing developments to consider voucher holders
The approval of an ordinance that would require future housing developments that receive city incentives to consider tenants with housing vouchers has been delayed by the City Council.
San Antonio City Council votes 10-1 to approve new Alamo plan
The effort to overhaul the Alamo complex, which many had taken for dead last year, got a jump-start Thursday when City Council approved a deal with the state that will repurpose the historic Woolworth building and leave the Cenotaph in place.
Charter amendment intended to add ‘affordable’ housing in San Antonio. Here’s what you’ll be voting on in May
If approved by voters in May, the city charter amendment would allow bond dollars to be spent on housing and economic development projects.