The San Antonio Heron, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt news organization (EIN 83-1163274), is seeking applicants for its board of directors now through Dec. 31.
Those interested should have a passion for nonprofit, independent journalism, and align with our mission of informing the people of San Antonio about downtown growth and the ripple effect it has on inner city neighborhoods. In our 3½ years of online publishing, we at the Heron have built a brand on making our readers feel better informed through journalism that is as unbiased as humanly possible. Our goal is to deepen our understanding of how the world works, then share what we’ve learned with our readers in ways that are easy to understand.
In 2022, we are looking to get back to our explanatory journalism roots, while making a collective push toward being self-financed, a milestone that is in our sights for the next calendar year.
We need an expanded board in order to accomplish these goals.
Fill out the Heron board of directors application here.
Currently, our board consists of myself, publisher and editor, Crystal Darby, a business advisor at the UTSA Small Business Development Center, and Roman Sandoval, CEO and founder of Allosense, Inc., an advanced tech startup.
In the fall, Sandoval replaced Taylor Watson, business relationship manager for cybersecurity firm Kamin Associates, who left the Heron board after she was appointed to the Zoning Commission by District 2 Councilman Jalen McKee-Rodriguez.
We want to thank Taylor for her service, and for her continued support. Her insight has been invaluable as we continue to think of ways to grow organically, while maintaining our editorial independence. It’s worth noting that while we are not yet self-financed, we are solvent as an organization holding no financial liabilities.
Future Heron board members will be voted on by the current board. A full FAQ will be emailed to those who apply. We are hoping to fill these seats in late December or early January.
We are looking to add two board members for a total of five positions, but we are open to more if this call yields more candidates who are good fits at the Heron.
We seek candidates who can bring their unique expertise to our organization, while serving the community in two-year terms.
For more about the Heron, visit our About Us page.
If you have questions, please email me at ben@saheron.com.
Heron Editor Ben Olivo can be reached at 210-421-3932 | ben@saheron.com | @rbolivo on Twitter
Contact the Heron at hello@saheron.com | @sanantonioheron on Twitter | Facebook